Two-year warranty on all products

In addition to developing an activity aligned with safeguarding our planet and the environment, Digiplanetcontinuously reinforces its practice of social responsibility .

During the production of a new computer, several kg of polluting materials such as metals and plastics are consumed, and at the same time, between 250 and 500 kg of CO2 are emitted into the atmosphere, which contributes significantly to the pollution of our planet.

Digiplanet, by reintroducing onto the market - with a guarantee and at lower prices - computers that already had a previous life (typically in large companies), contributes to the reduction of these emissions, thus avoiding the continuous destruction of the environment.

A purchase of a computer or a Refurbished phone is the smart choice, since we can offer equipment with more performance, at lower prices and in a sustainable way, contributing to the preservation of our planet.


Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion

EPIS - Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion launched the initiative One Computer Per Student EPIS in partnership with Digiplanet, which, together with other sponsors, provided hundreds of computers to various school groups for distance learning that was implemented with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Seventeen corporate donors, including:

You can learn more about the success of this initiative by reading this article from Dinheiro Vivo or watching the videos below, where you can better understand the work carried out by various partners to help Portuguese students during a time when uncertainty dominated the world.


Padre Amadeu Pinto Youth Center

The Digiplanet collaborated with the Centro Juvenil Padre Amadeu Pinto, located in Almada and led by Father Gonçalo Machado, through the donation of computers to support students who attend that institution .

According to the priest, this center tries to be "the second home" for a group of children and young people, many of whom are considered at risk. "It's a complementary job to that of the parents. We have 100 children here." 

Other actions

Pedro Alexandrino School Group

Digiplanet collaborated with the Pedro Alexandrino School Group, in Odivelas, to provide students with the IT resources necessary for study and learning, promoting digital inclusion and equal access to education.

The project aims to create a more interactive and innovative learning environment, empowering students to face the challenges of the digital world

Solidarity Computer Action

Digiplanet has partnered with the initiative Computador Solidário by offering computer repair services for donated computers.

Often, donated computers intended for students (young and senior) do not come in complete working condition. 

Digiplanet made its technical resources available in its Carnaxide laboratory to repair this equipment, so that all students can make the most of their computers.